Enter the details, and we’ll come up with the best quote in the market for your old devices.
We have multiple options available to make payments to you, like internet banking and PayPal
Send us your device and relax. You would not part ways with it before the payment.
We have been decluttering the world, one device at a time, since 2017. Sell Your Computers is a cost-efficient avenue to get rid of your old tech or buy a new one.
Sell Your Computers deals in an array of refurbished and repaired devices that meet industry standards. You can sell your old devices to us and wouldn’t have to wait for the payment. Should you accept our quote, we promise to pay you upfront.
We also undertake the retail of recycled and refurbished products. We employ eco-friendly processes for all of our products, no matter how different their construction is. Sell Your Computers ensures quality and performance through rigorous checks. We also have an excellent support staff to help you with any trouble or query.
Our goal is to provide quality products to our customers while maintaining the ecological balance. We are a solution based company that wants profit for everyone. We use the devices (or their parts) and pay you upfront for it.
Isn’t it a win-win for everyone? And the best part is that this exchange doesn’t hurt the environment and leaves a cleaner world for our kids.